Posts about Stuff that I like....

Which is mostly Metal music, Superheroes, Video Games and Sci-Fi/Adventure movies and TV Shows


I'm with Coco!!!

 In case you haven't heard yet, NBC wants to put The Jay Leno Show on the Tonight Show's time slot at 11:35 PM, moving Conan to 12:05 AM and Late Night with Jimmy Falon at 1:05 AM.  This has caused a major PR nightmare for NBC and a controversy on the internet with everybody choosing their favorite late night host.  Personally I prefer Conan O'brien, I've been watching his show for years now and I believe he has earned the Tonight Show.

It is NOT the TONIGHT show if it airs TOMORROW!!!.  Besides, Jay Leno had a 17 year run on the show and he had enough time to get good ratings, Conan has had only 7 months to establish his audience! If you think that NBC is screwing Conan you can show your support using the above image on your facebook and twitter profiles, and you can also tweet #teamconan or #imwithcoco on twitter.  GO TEAM CONAN!!!!!


  1. yeah thats really messed up! connan will end up w a good chunk of money tho.

    too bad... i like red heads lol

  2. Yeah but he's still getting screwed... If they go ahead with the plan he should go to Fox and beat the crap out of Jay an Dave on the ratings, but I hope he doesn't have to...

  3. Let me tel you that I'm with Coco too. Because he is very talented, naturally funny (of course) but, the most important is that he deserved to has his moment too. Also I want to mention that Jay is as responsible as NBC for this "late-night show battle" that's because Jay anounced his retirement but then he retract that, that show us all how selfish he is. Why he let us enjoy our host and have the opportunity to watch him @ the Tonight show as the contract says and let his adudience grow like he grows his 17 years back. So Jay this is for you: Por que no aceptas que tu tiempo paso, ve a hacerle las vacasiones al Coronel de KFC o algo asi estas peor que Captain Kirk en la pelicula "The Wrrath of Kahn" q no puede bregar con eso de "la edad" y su labor como "Admiral" y en el momento mas "oportuno para el se sienta en la silla de Saavik y capitanea el Enterprice de nuevo que mal te va.
