Joss Whedon to direct Avengers!
After the news broke out that Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly creator Joss Whedon is in final talks with Marvel to direct the Avengers movie, there have been many people voicing their opinions on every fanboy message board across the internet. If you are one of the naysayers, this article from io9 should convince you why this is a great development.
Captain America,
Iron Man,
Joss Whedon,
Superhero Movie,
New Avantasia albums: Out Now!
The new Avantasia albums: The Wicked Symphony & The Angel of Babylon are out now, and after listening to them nonstop for the last two weeks, I can honestly say that Tobias Sammet never dissapoints. Both albums are an amazing collection of songs ranging from fast power metal to epic masterpieces to beautiful ballads and hedbanging hard rock! Together with the previous album: The Scarecrow, these albums make what Tobias calls the Wicked Trilogy and complete the story on this second chapter of Avantasia!
But enough praising from me. Do yourself a favor and buy these albums RIGHT NOW!!!
Escucha lo nuevo de Avantasia!
Si quieres un "taste" de los nuevos discos de Avantasia pasa por la pagina oficial de Tobias Sammet, haste miembro y en la seccion de backstage podras escuchar samples de algunas de las nuevas canciones!
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My Fave TV Shows
Right now I'm very excited about the final season of LOST. Hopefully this season will answer all of the questions we've had for the last 5 years!!!
Even though I have a love/hate relationship with Smallville, I've been watching this show for 9 years! and I've got to say I'm really excited about this weeks episode with the JSA!!!
TV Shows
Worst Superhero Movies of All Time
Avanrtasia album covers revealed!!!
I'm with Coco!!!
In case you haven't heard yet, NBC wants to put The Jay Leno Show on the Tonight Show's time slot at 11:35 PM, moving Conan to 12:05 AM and Late Night with Jimmy Falon at 1:05 AM. This has caused a major PR nightmare for NBC and a controversy on the internet with everybody choosing their favorite late night host. Personally I prefer Conan O'brien, I've been watching his show for years now and I believe he has earned the Tonight Show.
It is NOT the TONIGHT show if it airs TOMORROW!!!. Besides, Jay Leno had a 17 year run on the show and he had enough time to get good ratings, Conan has had only 7 months to establish his audience! If you think that NBC is screwing Conan you can show your support using the above image on your facebook and twitter profiles, and you can also tweet #teamconan or #imwithcoco on twitter. GO TEAM CONAN!!!!!
Green Lantern Villain Announced

Acaban de anunciar el villano o uno de los villanos de la película de Green Lantern y no es el que todo el mundo esperaba.
Es nada mas y nada menos que Hector Hammond y aunque estoy un poco sorprendido de que no hayan mencionado todavía a Sinestro, de seguro anunciaran algo pronto. Aquí esta el link.
Green Lantern,
Hector Hammond,
Superhero Movie
Bruce Kulick on the new Avantasia albums!
Bruce Kulick, el mejor guitarrista que ha pasado por KISS, fue anunciado como parte de los nuevos discos de Avantasia, proyecto del frontman de Edguy, Tobias Sammet. Los albumes, titulados "The Wicked Symphony" y "Angel Of Babylon" salen el proximo 3 de abril, y ademas de Tobias Sammet y Bruce Kulick tambien participan Andre Matos (Ex-Angra), Klaus Meine (Scorpions), Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest), Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween), Jorn Lande (Masterplan), Russell Allen (Symphony X), Bob Catley (Magnum), Eric Singer (KISS), Jens Johansson (Stratovarius), Alex Holzwarth (Rhapsody), Felix Bohnke (Edguy), producer Sascha Paeth (ex-Heavens Gate) and Ralf Zdiarstek (Amitaf).
Avantasia se reconoce por ser un proyecto donde se reunen los mejores exponentes de la musica metal europea y con este grupo se ve que los proximos discos van a estar brutales! Puedes encontrar mas informacion en la pagina oficial
bruce kulick,
tobias sammet
Spider-Man 4? No more!

For my first post, something that was just announced: Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire will NOT be on the next Spider-Man movie. Even though Spider-Man 3 sucked really bad, I was looking forward to the next movie, and now that's not going to happen and they're going to reboot the franchise. Guess we'll see how that turns out... Here's the link:
Sony Rebooting Spider-Man in 2012! - Superhero Hype!
So I decided to join the new millennium a decade late and get myself a Blog. And here it is. In this Blog I will post about my favorite stuff like movies, music and TV Shows and anything else that interests me. Even though I have no readers and don't know of anyone that would follow my blog, I'm keeping an "if you build it, they will come" attitude. So Welcome once again to my Random Stuff, hope you like what you see and if you do feel free to comment. BTW this Blog is made in Puerto Rico and I will switch from English to Spanish without warning. Enjoy!
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